1. Recently I have finished working on and developing a deterministic, compartmental model of erythropoeisis (How Red Blood Cells are produced and destroyed) in R using deSolve package. I have also made a Shiny application for the simulation. The model can be used as a primer for developing more complicated models, eg. for competing erythpoeisis in post bone marrow transplant settings.

    Please visit http://rpubs.com/sumprain/erythropoeisis_model for the manuscript.

    The model and description is available at GitHub site, https://github.com/sumprain/blog/tree/master/erythropoeisis_model.

    The description of the model is given in model_description.html, model_description.Rmd and model_description.md files

    The shiny application can be found at shiny folder.

    The work.R file is the source file for the R code.

    Please feel free to comment and post your criticisms.

    Dr Suman Kumar (@sumankumarpram1)

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  2. Dear all,

    Click on the github site to see my new post. It is about a new alternative measure to compare difference between performance between two interventions.

    Any comments, criticisms are welcome

    Dr Suman Kumar Pramanik

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I am a clinical hematologist practising in India with data analysis and R as my passions.
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