Preventing escaping in HTML

Preventing escaping in HTML

## Attaching package: 'xtable'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:Hmisc':
##     label, label<-

Problem statement

Being a novice in R language, the problem I faced maight be a novice one, but I spent hours working on it.
I was working on making a html based report from a database (PostgreSQL), which would gather text information from the database and put it in the report in html format. I was using Rhtml in RStudio and inserting text into the specified position inside the Rhtml document by using code chunks, as text layout is more controlled than Rmd.
One of the database field contained text with multiple newline tags which indicated the places where I had inserted ENTER keystrokes. The example is shown below:
  string 1\nstring 2\nstring 3\nstring 4
I faced problems when I was trying to render this text as following in the resulting html document.
  1.  string 1
  2.  string 2
  3.  string 3
  4.  string 4

Method I was using in which I failed

I assigned a variable to the whole string.
s <- "string 1\nstring 2\nstring 3\nstring 4"
I substituted the \n with <br>, html tag for line break using str_replace_all
s1 <- str_replace_all(string = s, pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>")
## [1] "string 1<br>string 2<br>string 3<br>string 4"
Then I tried to put the string s1 into the html document as follows. Actually I was working with dataframe with multiple rows and wanted to convert the data in table format.
print(xtable(data.frame(s1)), type = "html")
1 string 1&lt br&gt string 2&lt br&gt string 3&lt br&gt string 4
I was not able to convert <br> in line breaks and the <br> came in the output verbatim. I cheked up the underlying html code and found the following:
  <TABLE border=1>
    <TR> <TH>  </TH> <TH> s1 </TH>  </TR>
      <TD align="right"> 1 </TD>
      <TD> string 1&lt br&gt  string 2&lt br&gt  string 3&lt br&gt  string 4</TD>
What happened internally was that, while parsing the document html escaped < and > tags into &lt and &gt respectively. Problem I faced was how to prevent escaping the <br> and thereby inserting line breaks.

Method 1

I splitted the original string s and trimmed the resultant components.
s2 <- str_trim(unlist(str_split(s, "\\n")))
## [1] "string 1" "string 2" "string 3" "string 4"
I made dataframe out of the character vector and printed the required output.
d <- data.frame(str_c(seq(from = 1, by = 1, along.with = s2), "."), s2)
print(xtable(d), type = "html", include.colnames = F, include.rownames = F, 
    html.table.attributes = "style='border-width:0;'")
1. string 1
2. string 2
3. string 3
4. string 4
which is the required output!!
But, I have not done anything to prevent <br> from getting escaped, I have bypassed the issue.

Method 2

This method uses {{Mustache}} and its R implementation, whisker package.
I have used the string s1 and take the following steps
l <- list(s1 = s1)
html.templ <- "<table><tr><td>{{{s1}}}</td></tr></table>"
cat(whisker.render(template = html.templ, data = l))
## <table><tr><td>string 1<br>string 2<br>string 3<br>string 4</td></tr></table>
{{{}}} prevents the <br> from getting escaped.
The output is as follows:
cat(whisker.render(template = html.templ, data = l))
string 1
string 2
string 3
string 4
It is a much smaller and cleaner code.

Concluding remarks

I request if any more techniques are there to prevent escaping the < and > from html rendering.

Session Information

## R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_IN.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_IN.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_IN.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_IN.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_IN.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_IN.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] datasets  grid      grDevices splines   graphics  utils     stats    
## [8] methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] whisker_0.3-2    xtable_1.7-1     knitr_1.5        mypackage_1.0   
##  [5] devtools_1.4.1   dplyr_0.1.2      ggplot2_0.9.3.1  rms_4.0-0       
##  [9] SparseM_0.99     Hmisc_3.13-0     Formula_1.1-1    cluster_1.14.4  
## [13] car_2.0-19       stringr_0.6.2    lubridate_1.3.3  lattice_0.20-24 
## [17] epicalc_2.15.1.0 nnet_7.3-7       MASS_7.3-29      survival_2.37-4 
## [21] foreign_0.8-57   deSolve_1.10-8  
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] assertthat_0.1     colorspace_1.2-4   dichromat_2.0-0   
##  [4] digest_0.6.4       evaluate_0.5.1     formatR_0.10      
##  [7] gtable_0.1.2       httr_0.2           labeling_0.2      
## [10] memoise_0.1        munsell_0.4.2      parallel_3.0.2    
## [13] plyr_1.8           proto_0.3-10       RColorBrewer_1.0-5
## [16] Rcpp_0.11.0        RCurl_1.95-4.1     reshape2_1.2.2    
## [19] scales_0.2.3       tools_3.0.2
Bye and regards.

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  1. print.xtable() has a "sanitize.text.function" argument. If you don't want to "sanitize" your text (i.e., "remove characters which have special meaning for the output format"):

    s <- "string 1\nstring 2\nstring 3\nstring 4"
    s1 <- gsub("\\n", "
    ", s1)
    print(xtable(data.frame(s1)), type = "html", sanitize.text.function = function(x) x)

    1. Thanks a lot.
      Thats a simple one.
      I think line 2 should be s1 <- gsub("\\n","

    2. I guess that I needed to write:
      s1 <- gsub("\\n", paste("<","br",">", sep = ""), s)
      in order to get the code thought the comment system.

  1. Hi everybody,

    I recently read about the relationship between bernoulli process and poisson distribution. I wrote about it explaining the process with simulation.

    Click here to visit the post.

    Hope you like it.

    Comments are welcome.


    Dr Suman

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  2. Dear all, recently I went through on the R6 OO system in R and was fascinated by its sleek network of environments. I have written a post whatever I could understand of the package. Click on for the post.

    Comments and criticisms are welcome.


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  3. Yesterday, I delivered a talk on "Interpretation of Results of Clinical Research" in Annual Alumni Meet of Hematology Department of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. Here is the link for the same.

    Comments and criticisms are welcome.

    Dr Suman Kumar (@sumankumarpram1)

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  4. Recently I have finished working on and developing a deterministic, compartmental model of erythropoeisis (How Red Blood Cells are produced and destroyed) in R using deSolve package. I have also made a Shiny application for the simulation. The model can be used as a primer for developing more complicated models, eg. for competing erythpoeisis in post bone marrow transplant settings.

    Please visit for the manuscript.

    The model and description is available at GitHub site,

    The description of the model is given in model_description.html, model_description.Rmd and files

    The shiny application can be found at shiny folder.

    The work.R file is the source file for the R code.

    Please feel free to comment and post your criticisms.

    Dr Suman Kumar (@sumankumarpram1)

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  5. Dear all,

    Click on the github site to see my new post. It is about a new alternative measure to compare difference between performance between two interventions.

    Any comments, criticisms are welcome

    Dr Suman Kumar Pramanik

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  6. Using Markdown and Pandoc for Publication

    The other day I was involved in editing job, in which I was supposed to edit 18 articles written in Microsoft Word (doc/docx format) and convert them into pdf format (for printing into a book) and html format (for web publishing). Manuscripts written by people not proficient in doc(x) format are notorious for formatting heterogeneity and errors making conversion of documents into different formats a nightmare. I accomplished the task with help of a couple of open source softwares with following steps:
    1. Installing appropriate softwares.
    2. Making a folder where I will keep all the markdown files. That folder becomes my working directory for R project (say, WORK). Make following subfolders: fig to hold figures, html to hold final html files, html/fig which will be a copy of the fig subfolder and will be referenced by the html files, pdf to hold final pdf files. Make a folder .pandoc/templates in the HOME folder which will hold the Pandoc Templates (default.html(5) and default.latex)
    3. Opening the doc(x) documents (say, doc1.doc(x)) with LibreOffice Writer. Saving any figures in fig folder in png format.
    4. Saving documents in html format (say, doc1.html).
    5. Convert html document into markdown format with Pandoc.
    6. Modify markdown files in any of the text editors.
    7. Build a YAML file in the WORK folder holding all the variables to be used throughout all the documents (say, my.yaml). Any document specific YAML can be inserted in the md file.
    8. Build a css file (say, my.css) in WORK/html folder, which contain all the necessary formatting codes for html output.
    9. Convert the markdown files into pdf and html format in Pandoc.

    Installing appropriate softwares

    The following softwares were used (clocking on the hyperlinks will lead to the sites from where the softwares can be downloaded):
    1. Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit
    2. R version 3.1.1
    3. R Studio 0.98.932
    4. LibreOffice Writer
    5. Pandoc. It comes pre-installed with current version of R Studio.
    6. Pandoc templates. There are many more sites where tailormade templates can be found to be used.

    Working on doc(x) in LibreOffice Writer

    After opening the doc1.doc(x) file in LibreOffice Writer, we save any pictures in it in the WORK/fig after giving it an appropriate name, preferably in .png format.
    We save the file to doc1.html using LibreOffice Writer.

    Converting html into markdown format

    We take help of Pandoc to convert html into markdown format.
    We open the terminal and reach the WORK folder and enter following to create
    pandoc doc1.html -o

    Making appropriate Pandoc template

    We copy the default.html and default.latex into the home/.pandoc/templates folder as told before.
    We open the default.html in text editor. Following is an example of the template:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns=""$if(lang)$ lang="$lang$" xml:lang="$lang$"$endif$>
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
      <meta name="generator" content="pandoc" />
      <meta name="author" content="$author-meta$" />
      <meta name="date" content="$date-meta$" />
      <title>$if(title-prefix)$$title-prefix$ - $endif$$pagetitle$</title>
      <style type="text/css">code{white-space: pre;}</style>
      <style type="text/css">q { quotes: "“" "”" "‘" "’"; }</style>
      <style type="text/css">
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="$css$" $if(html5)$$else$type="text/css" $endif$/>
    <div id="$idprefix$header">
    <h1 class="title">$title$</h1>
    <h1 class="subtitle">$subtitle$</h1>
    <div class="author"><b>$author$</b></div>
    <div class="affil"><i>$affiliation$</i></div>
    <h3 class="date">$date$</h3>
    <div id="$idprefix$TOC">
    The following characteristics are seen from the above code segment:
    1. $---$: These are the variables, the values of which are to be provided with YAML document (to be told later). Sometimes, when variable is in form of a collection (like author -> name & address in YAML), the variable name of author can be accessed as $$ and address of author can be accessed as $author.address$
    2. $if(---)$ --- $else$ --- $endif$ construct: This the branching code for the template. One example is as below:
      <h3 class="date">$date$</h3>
      The bove construct means that if date variable is given in YAML then it will be entered in the html document as h3 with class “date” (whose formatting can be manipulated inside css file).
    3. $for(---)$ --- $endfor$ construct: This is the loopng code for the template. One example is as below:
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="$css$" $if(html5)$$else$type="text/css" $endif$/>
      The above construct checks for the css variable which is a collection of variables. It inserts given html statement <link ---- /> for each element of css variable.
    4. $body$ construct: This variable contains all the contents of file after converting into html format by Pandoc converter. We cannot change anything which is denoted by $body$ variable inside the template. If we want to assign a new class (or say id) to any of the element inside the md file, we will have to do it by inserting raw html statement, as depicted below.
      ## header 2
      The normal statement
      <p class="myclass">Content of the special paragraph.  It can **contain** markdown codes.</p>
      Another normal statement
      ## Another header 2
    Similar template is available for latex, which can be modified by the user.
    The details of Pandoc template can be found here.
    The reader is requested to add any more resources for the above (I am not aware of them).

    Editing markdown file

    The file is edited with R Studio editor using the standard method manually. There are many resources of Pandoc Markdown, this and this.

    Make a YAML file

    The YAML code can be put inside individual markdown files (for variables which are different for each markdown files) or put inside a separate file as depicted above.
    The minimum content of my.yaml should be as under:
    css: my.css
    The details of YAML language construct can be found here.
    In summary, the following points are evident:
    1. The YAML construct is delimited with the following
    2. Each variable (which was denoted as $variable$ in Pandoc template) is denoted as variable and following is the code for assigning a value to the variable.
      variable: value
    3. The following is an example of complex variable (equivalent to list in R).
        name: xxx
        address: yyy
      The name of author is accessed in Pandoc template as $$. Note is to be made of indentation in front of name and address. Indentation is to be made by inserting space, not tab.
    4. The following is an example of collection (equivalent of vector in R).
     - my1.css
     - my2.css
    The variable css has two values associated with it (my1.css and my2.css).
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="$css$" $if(html5)$$else$type="text/css" $endif$/>
    The above code segment in Pandoc Template will access both the values of css and insert a line each for my1.css and my2.css.

    Converting resulting md files into html and pdf format

    Finally, the resulting md files (associated with fig, css, template and yaml files) can be converted into html and pdf format by using following codes in terminal.
    pandoc my.yaml -s --data-dir=/home/HOME/.pandoc -o html/doc1.html  @for html file output@
    pandoc my.yaml -s --data-dir=/home/HOME/.pandoc -o pdf/doc1.pdf  @for pdf file output@
    If many md files are present, as in the project I was doing, then the whole process may be automated using a batch file with the following code:
    file <- as.list(list.files()[grep(".md",list.files())])
    foo <- function(x) {
      s.pdf <- paste0("pandoc ", x, " m.yaml -s --data-dir=/home/HOME/.pandoc  -o pdf/", str_sub(x, 1L, -4L), ".pdf")
      s.htm <- paste0("pandoc ", x, " m.yaml -s --data-dir=/home/HOME/.pandoc -o html/", str_sub(x, 1L, -4L), ".html")
    lapply(file, foo)


    The above described method was very efficient in terms of time taken and human effort expended to format all the documents into a uniform one.


    Another excellent link demonstrating how to automate the output depending on the output of the document.

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  7. Clarifying difference between Ratio and Interval Scale of Measurement

    Clarifying difference between Ratio and Interval Scale of Measurement


    Recently while preparing lecture on scales of measurements and types of statistical data, I came across two scales of measurement when numbers are used to denote a quantitative variable. I took some time to clarify the difference between “Interval and "Ratio” scales of measurements. I am writing down what I understand of the above mentioned scales.

    Process of measuring a variable

    First step in variable measurement is to understand the concept we want to measure, i.e., we would like to define the variable on a conceptual level. Then we need to make an operational definition of the variable, which includes the following steps:

    1. Setting up of a domain of all the possible values the variable can assume.

    2. Understanding the meaning of different values the variable can assume.

      • Different values can just mean different classes (categories) - Nominal scale
      • Different values can mean different classes (categories) with some ordering (direction of difference) between the classes - Ordinal scale
      • Different values can mean different classes (categories) with ordering and specified distance between them (direction and magnitude/distance of difference) - Interval and Ratio scale
    3. Checking if a real origin (“0”) exists for the variable in the particular scale. Origin (“0”) should mean absolute absence of the variable.

    4. Designing a device which will measure the variable.

    5. Validating the measurement from the device.

    Prerequisites for Ratio Scale

    There are two prerequisites for a measurement scale to be a Ratio Scale:

    1. Presence of “Real Origin”.
    2. Scale is uniformly spaced across its full domain.

    What happens when the above prerequisites are met?

    Let us assume that we have made numerical observations \( A_{ratio} \) and \( B_{ratio} \) for a variable in ratio scale and that \( B_{ratio} > A_{ratio} \). There are two valid ways to denote the difference between A and B:

    1. Arithmetic difference between \( A_{ratio} \) and \( B_{ratio} \): It is denoted by \( B_{ratio} - A_{ratio} \). It is a valid measure of difference because of the fact that the scale is uniformly spaced across the domain.

    2. Ratio difference between \( A_{ratio} \) and \( B_{ratio} \): It is denoted by \( B_{ratio}/A_{ratio} \). It indicates that \( B_{ratio} \) is \( B_{ratio}/A_{ratio} \) times larger than \( A_{ratio} \). We say this as a valid measure of difference because the origin is an absolute one and is same for both observations. Note that there is no unit as the result is a ratio. It is also equivalent to arithmetic difference of log transformation of observations, \( log(B_{ratio}) - log(A_{ratio}) \).

    3. Location transformation: If we shift the observations by \( x \) units, we get \( Ax_{ratio} = A_{ratio} + x \) and \( Bx_{ratio} = B_{ratio} + x \). Arithmetic difference between the two transformed observations, \( Bx_{ratio} - Ax_{ratio} = B_{ratio} - A_{ratio} \), which is the same as original observations.

    4. Scale transformation: If we multiply each of the observations by \( x \) units, we get \( Ax_{ratio} = A_{ratio} \cdot x \) and \( Bx_{ratio} = B_{ratio} \cdot x \). Ratio difference between the two transformed observations, \( Bx_{ratio}/Ax_{ratio} = B_{ratio}/A_{ratio} \), which is the same as original observations.

    So, for ratio scale, both arithmetic and ratio difference are valid measures of difference between observations and the difference remain same after both location and scale transformations.

    General transformation of measuring scale

    Any transformation (\( X_{trans} \)) of the original ratio scale, say \( X_{ratio} \) can be depicted as follows

    \[ X_{ratio} = f(X_{trans},S(X_{trans}),L(X_{trans})) \]

    where, \( S(X_{trans}) \) denotes scale transformation parameter as a function wrt location in transformed scale and \( L(X_{trans}) \) denotes location transformation parameter as a function wrt location in transformed scale.

    If we assume constant \( S \) and \( L \) wrt location in transformed scale, one of the simplest scale transformation will be:

    \[ X_{ratio} = (X_{trans} + L) \cdot S \]

    where, \( S \neq 0 \)

    and interval scale of measurement (\( X_{int} \)) will be the one with \( L \neq 0 \) in addition to the above constraints.

    What happens in Interval Scale?

    In interval scale, the zero doesnot mean absolute nothingness, but it is an arbitrarily chosen one and corresponds to a distance of \( L \) from the real origin in ratio scale.

    We continue our example from the above section:

    Let us say that we make two observations in interval scale, \( A_{int} \) and \( B_{int} \), and want to assess difference between both the observations as done earlier.

    Observation \( A_{int} \) will be mapped as \( (A_{int} + L) \cdot S \) and observation \( B_{int} \) will be mapped as \( (B_{int} + L) \cdot S \) in ratio scale. We will have to use values in ratio scale for comparision, as it has got “real origin”.

    1. Arithmetic difference between \( A_{int} \) and \( B_{int} \): It shows that the arithmetic difference measured in interval scale is linearly related to the difference measured in ratio scale and that the arithmetic difference in ratio scale is independent of absolute values of \( A_{int} \) and \( B_{int} \). Moreover, interval scale is uniformly spaced across the full domain. Because of the above reasons, arithmetic difference measured in interval scale is a valid way of representing difference between observations \( A_{int} \) and \( B_{int} \). \[ [B_{int} - A_{int}]_{int\ scale} = [(B_{int} + L) \cdot S - (A_{int} + L) \cdot S]_{ratio\ scale} = [(B_{int} - A_{int}) \cdot S]_{ratio\ scale} \]
    2. Ratio difference between \( A_{int} \) and \( B_{int} \): Unlike the arithmetic difference, ratio difference in interval scale is dependent on the absolute values of \( A_{int} \) and \( B_{int} \), with ratio approaching \( B_{int}/A_{int} \) with \( B_{int}, A_{int} >> L \). So, ratio difference is not a valid measure of difference between two observations in interval scale. \[ [B_{int}/A_{int}]_{int\ scale} = [(B_{int} + L) \cdot S/(A_{int} + L) \cdot S]_{ratio\ scale} = [(B_{int} + L)/(A_{int} + L)]_{ratio\ scale} \]
    3. Location transformation: If we shift the observations by x units on interval scale, we get \( Ax_{int} = ((A_{int} + x) + L) \cdot S \) and \( Bx_{int} = ((B_{int} + x) + L) \times S \). Arithmetic difference between the two transformed observations, \( [Bx_{int} - Ax_{int}]_{int\ scale} = [(B_{int} - A_{int}) \cdot S]_{ratio\ scale} = [B_{int} - A_{int}]_{int\ scale} \), remains the same as original observations on interval scale. So, arithmetic difference remains same with location transformation.
    4. Scale transformation: If we multiply each of the observations by x units on original scale, we get \( Ax_{int} = (A_{int} \cdot x + L) \cdot S \) and \( Bx_{int} = (B_{int} \cdot x + L) \cdot S \). Ratio difference between the two transformaed observations, \( [Bx_{int}/Ax_{int}]_{int\ scale} = [(B_{int} \cdot x + L)/(A_{int} \cdot x + L)]_{ratio\ scale} \neq [B_{int}/A_{int}]_{int\ scale} \). With scale transformation, the ratio difference becomes different from the the ratio difference of the original observations in interval scale.

    So, for interval scale, only arithmetic difference is a valid measure of difference between observations.


    The aim of this post is to express what I understand of the interval and ratio scale of measurements. Comments, suggestions and criticisms are welcome.



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  8. Is difference in proportion appropriate measure to compare performance of a drug over another one?

    Is difference in proportion appropriate measure to compare performance of a drug over another one?


    For past few weeks, a question lingered in my mind that “Is the traditional approach of assessing difference in proportion (both in ways of arithmetic difference and ratio) between intervention A and intervention B as a way to ascertain the performance of intervention A and intervention B appropiate?”. The question came in my mind after observing practitioners dogmatically approving a particular intervention over another one based on so called statistically significant difference (p << 0.05 or miniscule confidence interval not including value of no effect, usually 0 for difference or 1 for ratio) in proportion of success (say patients surviving at a certain fixed time point) between the two groups.

    I will be discussing about the actual meaning of p value and confidence intervals of difference in proportions. I will also try to highlight ill effects and limitations of using confidence intervals in deciding which of the two interventions is better in a properly conducted experimental design (no fallacy in study design and conduct).

    I will be using simulation techniques to explain my point.

    A clinical scenario

    Let us assume that we have discovered a new drug which is more effective than the standard of care drug A and interested in proving that drug B is more effective than drug A. We assume that our outcome of interest is “proportion of patients dead at the end of 6 months of starting the treatment”. Let us assume that patients on Drug A have 6 months mortality of 60% and patients on Drug B have 6 months mortality of 40% (reduction of mortality rate by 20%)(population parameters, usually unknown to us).

    We take 2n number of patients and randomly assign Drug A and Drug B to n patients each and observe them for 6 months (we assume appropiate randomisation, complete follow up and independence of all patients) to observe proportion of death in each group.

    We will use 95% CI for all the measures throughout this post.

    ## Package SparseM (0.99) loaded.
    ##     To cite, see citation("SparseM")
    library(Hmisc, quietly = T)
    ## Loading required package: splines
    ## Attaching package: 'Hmisc'
    ## The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
    ##     is.discrete, summarize
    ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
    ##     format.pval, round.POSIXt, trunc.POSIXt, units
    N <- list(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 2000, 10000) <- function(n, seed, prob.a1, prob.b1) {
      samp.n <- function(n, prob.a1, prob.b1) {
      a <- sample(c(0,1), size = n, replace = T, prob = c(1 - prob.a1, prob.a1))
      b <- sample(c(0,1), size = n, replace = T, prob = c(1 - prob.b1, prob.b1))
      df.wide <- data.frame(deathA = a, deathB = b)
      df.narrow <- data.frame(treat = c(rep("a", length = n), rep("b", length = n)), death = c(a, b))
      return(list(df.wide = df.wide, df.narrow = df.narrow))
      samp <- samp.n(n, prob.a1, prob.b1)
      # calculate ci of propA and propB separately
      bt <- function(x) {
        r <- binom.test(table(factor(x, levels = c(1,0))))$
        return(c(lcl = r[1], ucl = r[2]))
      ciA <- bt(samp$df.wide$deathA)
      ciB <- bt(samp$df.wide$deathB)
      # compute ci of difference in proportion and p value
      matAB <- laply(.data = samp$df.wide, .fun = function(x) return(c(`1` = sum(x), `0` = sum(x == 0))))
      propDiff <- prop.test(matAB)
      # Get number of patients who died in A but not in B
      # logistic regression analysis: OR and their CIs
      l.mod <- glm(death ~ treat, data = samp$df.narrow, family = binomial(link = "logit"), x = T, y = T)
      or.b <- exp(coef(l.mod)[2]) <- exp(confint(l.mod)[2,])
      # Prediction of l.mod for "a" and "b" with CI
      nd <- data.frame(treat = c("a", "b"))
      pred.lp <- predict(l.mod, nd, = T, type = "link")
      pred.prop <- plogis(pred.lp$fit)
      pred.ucl.prop <- plogis(pred.lp$fit + 1.96*pred.lp$
      pred.lcl.prop <- plogis(pred.lp$fit - 1.96*pred.lp$
      res.df <- data.frame(num = nrow(samp$df.wide), lclA = ciA[1], uclA = ciA[2], lclB = ciB[1], uclB = ciB[2], lclDiff = propDiff$[1], uclDiff = propDiff$[2], pDiff = propDiff$p.value, orB = or.b, lclOR =[1], uclOR =[2], pred.propA = pred.prop[1], pred.lcl.propA = pred.lcl.prop[1], pred.ucl.propA = pred.ucl.prop[1], pred.propB = pred.prop[2], pred.lcl.propB = pred.lcl.prop[2], pred.ucl.propB = pred.ucl.prop[2])
      names(res.df) <- Cs(num, lclA, uclA, lclB, uclB, lclDiff, uclDiff, pDiff, orB, lclOR, uclOR, pred.propA, pred.lcl.propA, pred.ucl.propA, pred.propB, pred.lcl.propB, pred.ucl.propB)
    pa1 <- 0.6
    pb1 <- 0.4
    s <- 3333
    sim.res <- ldply(.data = N, .fun =, prob.a1 = pa1, prob.b1 = pb1)

    What do confidence intervals and p values depict?

    Below, we have plot graphs depicting different measures of difference in proportion and their confidence intervals with respect to sample size.

    p <- ggplot(aes(x = factor(num)), data = sim.res) + xlab("Sample size")  + theme_bw()
    p1 <-  p + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lclA, ymax = uclA), alpha = 0.4, lwd = 1.5) + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lclB, ymax = uclB), color = "red", alpha = 0.4, lwd = 1.5) + geom_hline(yintercept = c(pa1,pb1), color = c("black", "red"), linetype = "dashed") +  ylab("Proportion dead")
    p2 <- p + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lclDiff, ymax = uclDiff), lwd = 1.5, colour = "blue") + geom_hline(yintercept = c(0, pa1 - pb1), color = c("red", "blue"), linetype = "dashed") +  ylab("Difference in proportion")
    p3 <- p + geom_point(aes(y = pDiff), pch = "x", size = 5) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05, color = "red", linetype = "dashed") +  ylab("p value of difference in Proportion") + scale_y_log10()
    p4 <- p + geom_crossbar(aes(y = pred.propA, ymin = pred.lcl.propA, ymax = pred.ucl.propA), alpha = 0.4, lwd = 0.2, fill = "gray") + geom_crossbar(aes(y = pred.propB, ymin = pred.lcl.propB, ymax = pred.ucl.propB), fill = "red", alpha = 0.4, lwd = 0.2) + geom_hline(yintercept = c(pa1,pb1), color = c("black", "red"), linetype = "dashed") +  ylab("Proportion dead \n as predicted from \n logistic regression model")
    grid.arrange(p1, p2, p3, p4, nrow = 4)

    plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

    Depiction of each of the figures

    X axis of each of the figures depict sample size (as factor) from 10 to 10000.

    1. Topmost figure: It depicts 95% confidence intervals of proportion dead for drug A (black) and drug B (red). The dashed horizontal lines depict actual proportion of deads for each of the groups.

    2. Second figure: It depicts the difference between the proportions of deads for patients receiving drug A and drug B. The blue dashed line depicts the actual difference (0.2) and red dashed line depicts the line of no difference (difference of 0).

    3. Third figure: It depicts the p value (in log scale) for difference between proportions dead for the two groups (drug A and drug B). Red dashed line depicts level of significance (p = 0.05).

    4. Lowermost figure: It depicts the predicted proportion deads for drug A and drug B and their confidence intervals from fitted logistic regression model. This figure is almost identical to the topmost figure.

    As can be seen from the above figures, confidence intervals depict how sure are we that the population proportion (or their difference) lie within a given range. CI becomes narrower with increasing sample size. So, with increasing sample size we just become more and more sure of the population parameters. Figures 2 and 3 depicts the confidence interval of difference between proportions of the two groups and the correspinding p values. We see that the confidence interval is surrounding actual difference in proportion more accurately with increasing sample size and is converging on to the actual difference (0.2). In doing so, the lower limit of the interval is getting further away from the line of no difference (0) with limit to the actual difference (0.2). Now, p value depends on the distance between the lower limit of confidence interval and the line of no effect. Its value reduces with increasing distance.

    We can see, that confidence intervals can be made narrow enough and p value can be made to be less than any given arbitrary significance level by increasing sample size appropriately. A research team who has invented a new drug and want that the new drug is proved to be better can do so with appropriately selecting the sample size. Also, all of the above mentioned measures only state that the population proportion of deads are 0.6 for drug A and 0.4 for drug B and the difference is 0.2, thereby meaning drug B is better than A. Proportion is a property of group of patients. None of the above parameters tells us any thing about the performance of drug B vs drug A when compared head to head.

    How to tackle the situation?

    Another way to state the problem will be “If drug A is given to a patient and drug B is given to an identical patient, what is the probability that only patient on drug A dies, only patient on drug B dies, patients on both the drugs die and none of them die?”.

    Mathematically, if we assume that patient receiving drug A (A) and drug B (B) behave as Bernoulli Trial with probability of death as pA and pB respectively and that both of them are independent events, then \( P(A \cap B) = P(A) \times P(B) \). So, the probability of various events will be as under:

    \( P(A = 1 \cap B = 0) = 0.6 * (1-0.4) = 0.36 \) (Drug A dies but drug B survives) … 1

    \( P(A = 0 \cap B = 1) = (1-0.6) * 0.4 = 0.16 \) (Drug A survives but drug A dies) … 2

    \( P(A = 1 \cap B = 1) = 0.6 * 0.4 = 0.24 \) (Both drug A and drug B die, equivalent response) … 3

    \( P(A = 0 \cap B = 0) = (1-0.6) * (1-0.4) = 0.24 \) (Both drug A and drug B survive, equivalent response) … 4

    We can see that only 36% of times patient taking drug A dies but drug B survives (eqn 1). So, drug B is better than drug A only 36% of times. Similarly, 16% of times patient taking drug B dies but drug A survives making drug A better than drug B. 48% of times performance of drug A and drug B is equivalent (either both die or both survive). So, despite the fact that drug B is significantly better than drug A (as depicted by highly significant p value and narrow confidence interval), only in 36% of times (less than 50%) does patient taking drug B survives but drug A dies.

    Also, despite the fact that drug B is better than drug A by 20% (40% death rate vs 60% death rate), on head to head comparision, both drugs are different only 52% of times and equivalent 48% of times. The following figures depict the same.

    foo <- function(nSamp, nsim, probA, probB) {
      sampA <- replicate(n = nsim, sample(c(0,1), size = nSamp, replace = T, prob = c(1 - probA, probA)))
      sampB <- replicate(n = nsim, sample(c(0,1), size = nSamp, replace = T, prob = c(1 - probB, probB)))
      deathOnlyA <- (sampA > sampB)
      deathOnlyB <- (sampB > sampA)
      deathBoth <- ((sampA == 1) & (sampB == 1))
      deathNone <- ((sampA == 0) & (sampB == 0))
      deathConcordant <- (sampA == sampB)
      deathDiscordant <- (sampA != sampB)
      L <- list(deathOnlyA, deathOnlyB, deathBoth, deathNone, deathConcordant, deathDiscordant)
      props <- lapply(L, function(y) colSums(y)/nSamp)
      meds <- lapply(props, function(x) median(x))
      lcls <- lapply(props, function(x) quantile(x, 0.025))
      ucls <- lapply(props, function(x) quantile(x, 0.975))
      return(data.frame(num = nSamp, medOnlyA = meds[[1]], medOnlyB = meds[[2]], medBoth = meds[[3]], medNone = meds[[4]], medConcordant = meds[[5]], medDiscordant = meds[[6]], 
                        lclOnlyA = lcls[[1]], lclOnlyB = lcls[[2]], lclBoth = lcls[[3]], lclNone = lcls[[4]], lclConcordant = lcls[[5]], lclDiscordant = lcls[[6]],
                        uclOnlyA = ucls[[1]], uclOnlyB = ucls[[2]], uclBoth = ucls[[3]], uclNone = ucls[[4]], uclConcordant = ucls[[5]], uclDiscordant = ucls[[6]]))
    res <- ldply(.data = N, .fun = foo, nsim = 100, probA = 0.6, probB = 0.4)
    p <- ggplot(data = res, aes(x = factor(num))) + xlab("Sample size") + theme_bw()
    p + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = lclOnlyA, ymax = uclOnlyA), alpha = 0.4, colour = "red", lwd = 2) + ylab("Proportion deaths only with drug A") + geom_hline(yintercept = c(0.36, 0.5), colour = c("red", "black"), linetype = "dashed")

    plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

    p + geom_crossbar(aes(y = medConcordant, ymin = lclConcordant, ymax = uclConcordant), fill = "red", alpha = 0.4) + geom_crossbar(aes(y = medDiscordant, ymin = lclDiscordant, ymax = uclDiscordant), fill = "green", alpha = 0.5) + ylab("Proportion concordant performance (red)\n and discordant performance (green)") + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.5, linetype = "dashed")

    plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3


    The traditional way to analyse performance of a given drug based on difference in proportion is not adequate and more appropriate metric for the same should be used by the researchers and checked by peer reviewers.

    I am not sure about the adequacy and correctness of the above methology. Comments and criticisms are welcome.



    Session Information

    ## R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
    ## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
    ## locale:
    ##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_IN.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
    ##  [3] LC_TIME=en_IN.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_IN.UTF-8    
    ##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_IN.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_IN.UTF-8   
    ##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_IN.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
    ##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
    ## attached base packages:
    ## [1] splines   grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
    ## [8] methods   base     
    ## other attached packages:
    ## [1] gridExtra_0.9.1 Hmisc_3.14-4    Formula_1.1-1   survival_2.37-7
    ## [5] lattice_0.20-24 ggplot2_1.0.0   plyr_1.8        knitr_1.6      
    ## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
    ##  [1] cluster_1.14.4      colorspace_1.2-4    dichromat_2.0-0    
    ##  [4] digest_0.6.4        evaluate_0.5.5      formatR_0.10       
    ##  [7] gtable_0.1.2        labeling_0.2        latticeExtra_0.6-26
    ## [10] lubridate_1.3.3     MASS_7.3-29         memoise_0.1        
    ## [13] munsell_0.4.2       proto_0.3-10        RColorBrewer_1.0-5 
    ## [16] reshape2_1.2.2      scales_0.2.3        SparseM_0.99       
    ## [19] stringr_0.6.2       tools_3.0.2

    View comments

  9. Preventing escaping in HTML

    Preventing escaping in HTML

    ## Attaching package: 'xtable'
    ## The following objects are masked from 'package:Hmisc':
    ##     label, label<-

    Problem statement

    Being a novice in R language, the problem I faced maight be a novice one, but I spent hours working on it.
    I was working on making a html based report from a database (PostgreSQL), which would gather text information from the database and put it in the report in html format. I was using Rhtml in RStudio and inserting text into the specified position inside the Rhtml document by using code chunks, as text layout is more controlled than Rmd.
    One of the database field contained text with multiple newline tags which indicated the places where I had inserted ENTER keystrokes. The example is shown below:
      string 1\nstring 2\nstring 3\nstring 4
    I faced problems when I was trying to render this text as following in the resulting html document.
      1.  string 1
      2.  string 2
      3.  string 3
      4.  string 4

    Method I was using in which I failed

    I assigned a variable to the whole string.
    s <- "string 1\nstring 2\nstring 3\nstring 4"
    I substituted the \n with <br>, html tag for line break using str_replace_all
    s1 <- str_replace_all(string = s, pattern = "\\n", replacement = "<br>")
    ## [1] "string 1<br>string 2<br>string 3<br>string 4"
    Then I tried to put the string s1 into the html document as follows. Actually I was working with dataframe with multiple rows and wanted to convert the data in table format.
    print(xtable(data.frame(s1)), type = "html")
    1 string 1&lt br&gt string 2&lt br&gt string 3&lt br&gt string 4
    I was not able to convert <br> in line breaks and the <br> came in the output verbatim. I cheked up the underlying html code and found the following:
      <TABLE border=1>
        <TR> <TH>  </TH> <TH> s1 </TH>  </TR>
          <TD align="right"> 1 </TD>
          <TD> string 1&lt br&gt  string 2&lt br&gt  string 3&lt br&gt  string 4</TD>
    What happened internally was that, while parsing the document html escaped < and > tags into &lt and &gt respectively. Problem I faced was how to prevent escaping the <br> and thereby inserting line breaks.

    Method 1

    I splitted the original string s and trimmed the resultant components.
    s2 <- str_trim(unlist(str_split(s, "\\n")))
    ## [1] "string 1" "string 2" "string 3" "string 4"
    I made dataframe out of the character vector and printed the required output.
    d <- data.frame(str_c(seq(from = 1, by = 1, along.with = s2), "."), s2)
    print(xtable(d), type = "html", include.colnames = F, include.rownames = F, 
        html.table.attributes = "style='border-width:0;'")
    1. string 1
    2. string 2
    3. string 3
    4. string 4
    which is the required output!!
    But, I have not done anything to prevent <br> from getting escaped, I have bypassed the issue.

    Method 2

    This method uses {{Mustache}} and its R implementation, whisker package.
    I have used the string s1 and take the following steps
    l <- list(s1 = s1)
    html.templ <- "<table><tr><td>{{{s1}}}</td></tr></table>"
    cat(whisker.render(template = html.templ, data = l))
    ## <table><tr><td>string 1<br>string 2<br>string 3<br>string 4</td></tr></table>
    {{{}}} prevents the <br> from getting escaped.
    The output is as follows:
    cat(whisker.render(template = html.templ, data = l))
    string 1
    string 2
    string 3
    string 4
    It is a much smaller and cleaner code.

    Concluding remarks

    I request if any more techniques are there to prevent escaping the < and > from html rendering.

    Session Information

    ## R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
    ## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
    ## locale:
    ##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_IN.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
    ##  [3] LC_TIME=en_IN.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_IN.UTF-8    
    ##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_IN.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_IN.UTF-8   
    ##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_IN.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
    ##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
    ## attached base packages:
    ## [1] datasets  grid      grDevices splines   graphics  utils     stats    
    ## [8] methods   base     
    ## other attached packages:
    ##  [1] whisker_0.3-2    xtable_1.7-1     knitr_1.5        mypackage_1.0   
    ##  [5] devtools_1.4.1   dplyr_0.1.2      ggplot2_0.9.3.1  rms_4.0-0       
    ##  [9] SparseM_0.99     Hmisc_3.13-0     Formula_1.1-1    cluster_1.14.4  
    ## [13] car_2.0-19       stringr_0.6.2    lubridate_1.3.3  lattice_0.20-24 
    ## [17] epicalc_2.15.1.0 nnet_7.3-7       MASS_7.3-29      survival_2.37-4 
    ## [21] foreign_0.8-57   deSolve_1.10-8  
    ## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
    ##  [1] assertthat_0.1     colorspace_1.2-4   dichromat_2.0-0   
    ##  [4] digest_0.6.4       evaluate_0.5.1     formatR_0.10      
    ##  [7] gtable_0.1.2       httr_0.2           labeling_0.2      
    ## [10] memoise_0.1        munsell_0.4.2      parallel_3.0.2    
    ## [13] plyr_1.8           proto_0.3-10       RColorBrewer_1.0-5
    ## [16] Rcpp_0.11.0        RCurl_1.95-4.1     reshape2_1.2.2    
    ## [19] scales_0.2.3       tools_3.0.2
    Bye and regards.

    View comments

    1. print.xtable() has a "sanitize.text.function" argument. If you don't want to "sanitize" your text (i.e., "remove characters which have special meaning for the output format"):

      s <- "string 1\nstring 2\nstring 3\nstring 4"
      s1 <- gsub("\\n", "
      ", s1)
      print(xtable(data.frame(s1)), type = "html", sanitize.text.function = function(x) x)

      1. Thanks a lot.
        Thats a simple one.
        I think line 2 should be s1 <- gsub("\\n","

      2. I guess that I needed to write:
        s1 <- gsub("\\n", paste("<","br",">", sep = ""), s)
        in order to get the code thought the comment system.

  10. Publishing in GitHub

    Publishing in GitHub

    I struggled to make my first repository in GitHub. I finally found out the steps to do so.
    • Make your folder in local host and add the required files in the folder (SRCFOLDER). One of the required files is, which will contain overview of the project.
    • Add git to the SRCFOLDER. It will make a .git folder into the SRCFOLDER
    $ SRCFOLDER git init
    • Add the files into the git.
    $ SRCFOLDER git add *.*
    • Commit the files into git. The files will be committed with HEAD as master.
    $ SRCFOLDER git commit -m "initial commit"
    • Make new repository in GitHub. It should be totally empty (sumprain/XXX).
    • Copy the https address of GitHub repository obtained from the right bottom of the repository page. It is
    • Clone the GitHub repository into SRCFOLDER. Cloning creates a copy of GitHub repository into SRCFOLDER as SCRFOLDER/XXX, and will have all the contents of the XXX into it including a .git folder. It gives a name origin to the remote source.
    $ SRCFOLDER git clone
    • Push the contents of the SRCFOLDER into the sumprain/XXX. It will copy the contents of SRCFOLDER into sumprain/XXX.
    $ SRCFOLDER git push origin master
    • In case of modification of contents in the SRCFOLDER, commit the changes and then run another push.
    Update: The chapter on Git and Github in R packages by Hadley Wickham is one of the best guides available.

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